Miscellaneouse Photos

Bennett Spring State Park can be fished in the autumn will few people, making for a pleasant day of fishing.

Even with the large number of people at the state parks on opening day, March 1st. Fishing for trout at the State Parks is enjoyable as many will celebrate the return of spring.

Our club is very active with the Missouri Department of Conservation by helping with several outdoor activities. One of the events includes instructing fly tying to grade school children during the Great Outdoor Days.

Paul Henry putting on another fly while fishing Stockton Lake for white bass and walleye. Fishing for white bass, one must fish the rocky points with streamers that imitate a shad. If the shad are close the shores, then one can assume the white bass will be near.

Even though I did not catch this Steelhead Trout in Missouri, I still tell of the my Michigan trips at the Missouri Trout Fishermen's Association Springfield Chapter meetings. This fish measured 33-inches and was caught from the surf, near the mouth of the St. Joseph River in Lower Michigan.