Catch and keep ends – catch and release starts

By Bob Randall on Wednesday, October 25th, 2017 in Conservation, Fishing Wisdom, No Comments

This is just a reminder about the change from catch and keep to catch and release at the state trout parks:  the catch and keep regulations at Bennett Spring, Roaring River, Montauk State Parks, and Maramec Spring Park run until October 31.  No fishing is allowed at those parks from November 1 through November 9.  Catch and release regulations will begin on November 10 and continue through February 12.  Fishing in the 3 state parks is limited to Fridays through Mondays; however, that restriction does not exist at Maramec as it is not owned by the state.  These regulations are not the same for other trout areas so places to fish will still be available elsewhere.  Plan your fishing trips accordingly.

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