Derby Rules May 18th & 19th 2019
Bennett Spring State Park
Official Derby Rules
- The Derby is open to all legal fishermen. All state and Bennett Spring Park rules must be followed. Derby begins on Saturday, May 18, 2019 6:30 AM and ends Sunday May 19, 2019 at noon. Registration will begin on Friday May 17, 2019 at the Bennett Spring Park Store from 7:15 PM until the store closes. Registration will start again at 5:30 AM Saturday morning, May 18, and continue until 6:30 AM at the Bennett Spring Park Store.
- Tagged trout will be stocked Friday and Saturday evenings during the regular stream stocking in zones 1,2,3.
- All anglers who wish to participate in the Derby must register with the Missouri Trout Fishermen’s Association as participants prior to 6:30 am Saturday. MTFA is asking for a $5.00 minimum donation to participate in the derby. You must have a valid daily tag to be stamped when registering tagged fish.
- Tagged fish should be registered at these places and times. Saturday May 18, 2019 from 11:30 noon to 1 pm., 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Shelter House B, across the Whistle Bridge, and Sunday May 19, 2019 from 10:30 am to 12 noon at Shelter House B, across the Whistle Bridge. a) Tag must be attached to trout. b)Trout must be registered by the person who caught it.
- Derby ends promptly at 12:00 Noon. Prizes will be awarded Sunday, May 19 as soon as possible after 12:00pm. Prizes will be awarded at Shelter House B, across the Whistle Bridge. a)Prize order. All fishermen with a registered tagged fish will have their name placed in a bucket for each tagged fish and the first name drawn will be first to choose their prize and etc. Multiple tags mean multiple chances to be drawn but after a name is drawn no more prizes will be awarded to that person. b) Tag winners must be present when the number is called. A designated person may choose prize if entrant cannot be present. Designated person must be assigned by the person that caught the fish at the time the fish is registered. If winner or designated person is not present when tag number is called, the prize will be forfeited. c) ONLY ONE PRIZE PER PERSON will be awarded for one or more tagged trout registered by the same fisherman. You can check in more than one tagged trout to better your chances, but only one tagged trout prize per fisherman. d) All prizes not awarded for tagged trout will be awarded during the raffle. RAFFLE IS FOR CLUB MEMBERS ONLY. Multiple prizes per person can be awarded during the raffle.
- In case of dispute, the decision of the Derby Chairman will be final.