Ausable Wulff


Hook: dry fly #6 – 16
Thread: florescent
Tail: woodchuck tail or sub (gray squirrel, deer)
Wings: calf tail, upright and divided
Body: rusty orange “possum”
Hackle: mix brown and grizzly sized to hook


Lay down a thread base

Measure tail material to one shank length

Tie in tail and clip extra at an angle

Cut a pinch of calf tail, stacking is optional, measure to length of shank, tie in with tips over hook eye leaving room for four or six hackle wraps in front, and clip extra at an angle

Wrap under wing and build a thread dam to stand the wing


Divide wing and “X” wrap between, wrap under if need to stand wing

Wrap thread back to tail creating an even taper


Select pinch of rusty orange dubbing and dubb a tapered body up to and in front of wing

Clip or strip the butt end of a sized brown hackle feather and tie in so feather is behind wing

Clip or strip the butt end of a sized grizzly hackle over the brown hackle feather.



Wrap the hackle feathers two or three times behind the wing and as pace allows in front of the wing. Tie in, tie off, and clip out the extra hackle. This can be done one feather at a time or both feathers together. Pull back on the feathers and hackle barbs to wrap the head. Clip out the extra hackle feather ends.

Whip finish and head cement.