MTFA-Springfield Chapter has an outstanding Library and it is FREE to the members of the Springfield Chapter.
Almost one hundred DVD's covering subjects on Casting, Fly Fishing, Fly Tying, Rod Building and Knot Tying from some of the biggest names in the sport: Dave Whitlock, Lefty Kreh, Mel Krieger, Rene Harrop, Bob Clouser and Gary Borger to name just a few, incredible Tips and Techniques all waiting to be discovered by you.
Checking out items is easy. During our Monthly MTFA meeting at the Nature Center, the DVD’s are available for check OUT or check IN.
Subject: The DVD’s are sorted by the following categories:
CI = Casting instruction(s)
CT = Casting
EN = Entertainment
FF = Fly Fishing
FM = Fishing Methods
FT = Fly tying
IN = Insects
MI = Miscellaneous
RB = Rod Building
SG = Study Guide
Checking OUT or IN materials:
When you borrow an item, please remove the library card from the item pocket and write your NAME, PHONE NUMBER and the DATE CHECKED OUT on the library card. Place the library card in the wooden box located on the lower section of the book shelf.
Items may be borrowed for 30 days… upon return to the MTFA Library, please locate the item’s library card and return the card to the pocket and place item on shelf.
If you can not get to the library, please bring your return item(s) to the next meeting and I will return them for you.
Also check out the following:
Internet resources for videos, recipes, patterns, and other Fly Tying related items.
2016 Fly Fish-Tying Guide Links
Please email if I can help in anyway. Happy Fishing!
Dennis Stead –
Harry Morgan –